Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Happy July 4th Eat-a-thon and other stuff

It's Monday and I've since recouperated from the nutritional debauchery that was July 4th. Ah, holiday food, isn't it great?

We spent the day at our friend Denise's house and "celebrated" with some of her friends. We didn't really celebrate the 4th per say, heck, we didn't even see any fireworks, but we gathered for this momentous day in U.S. history to eat and relax by her pool, just like any other American would.

I was even able to photograph Denise in her garden. Yes, the same garden she blogs about on her site. You have got to check out the photos below to see her in action.

And what's the fourth without a baby? Denise's friends Heather and Christopher brought their cute little baby Nathan to the party and I went snap happy with him. Who could resist!

After all the eating, and pool time (none for me thank you, I'm dark enough!), we hit her TV room and watched the olympic swimming trials and a 20/20 feature about how to be safe this summer. The one thing I really got from it was to wear sunscreen! One that covers both UVA and UVB rays, and has some zinc oxide in it. I wish I could link the program, but I can't. Basically just wear sunblock! I wore some today before going to the Rose Bowl Aquatic Center pool, and I looked scary! But then again, it'll keep me looking non-leather faced when I'm 93. Go figure.

And now, on with the photos!

Here's "Contrary Mary" in her blog famous garden giving Helen and me a tour!

Here's Denise with one of her non-deformed vegetables. Oh, and the dress she's wearing?
That's her special "gardening" outfit. It makes her blend in with her vegetables so she can kill off
any threatening insects. Hmm...

The eggplant on our left is from Denise's all organic garden. The one on our right is from her friend Rhonda's non-organic garden.
We enjoyed eating the one on the right.

Even when these two songbirds aren't out singing, they still EAT karaoke!
(click on the photo and read the label on the ice-cream)

Ah, this is what July 4th is all about...
(Note Rhonda's large egg plants in the upper right)

Helen trying to get some sun.

Why not end with this adorable photo of baby Nathan.
Aren't babies cute?

Well, it's back to no more holidays until Labor day. Hope you all enjoyed your three day weekend.

I'm shooting a lot in the upcoming weeks! Beginning with some movie unit stills for a project for IKEA, then two engagement sessions, and a reception! I can't wait! I'll post them up when I get a chance.

Till next time!

1 comment:

contrarymary said...

When I saw that you posted pictures from the party I was afraid, very afraid...
However, you did a nice job. The gardening camouflage dress is pretty funny. Nathan looks like an angel.