Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Table of Life

Yes, it has been a few weeks since my last entry, and as always, so many things have happened to me. The photo you see here is our Noguchi coffee table, (not an original, so don't get too crazy if you click on the link). On it, you'll see an array of things that may seem like a messy pile of stuff, but if you really look at it, this is what my last few weeks have been comprised of.

One of the first things you will see is the MyPublisher.com book. I finally received the photo albums for my friend Carry's parent's 50th anniversary I shot last December. They came out great except for a typo on their part. You can see the album under the headphones.

Next to that, on the left are my new used Xbox 360 games, FIFA Soccer '08, and Madden '08. I had Madden '08 earlier, but my Xbox ate it up, so I had to get a new one. The FIFA game is awesome. Why not play "Football" both nationally and internationally at home on your Xbox? I do!

Next to that is my most recent issue of Cycle Sport, which covers all the upcoming season's races. Two weeks ago I stood in the rain watching the final stage of the Tour of California. It was worth it. I got to see some of the most famous European pros cycle around the Rosebowl, a place I run around a lot. Wow. Tour de France Riders following the same path I run on. Out of this world!

Finally, to the right of the table is Cutie's bed. She's been great with us here. Helen brought her to work last friday and won the hearts of everyone she met. She's really becoming a big part of our life here, and to be honest, it's great. I love the fact that however long she lives, she'll do so with much attention and love. I took down the original post about her being brought to the animal shelter a week ago, but for those of you new to this part of the "story" Cutie is 15 years old (in dog years, 105 years in human years! Now that's old!).

I'm headed out to Vegas next week for the Anti-Workshop. It's this awesome wedding photographer workshop where we'll be working on our shooting skills, meeting new people, and taking some awesome shots! I can't wait. I'll try and blog while I'm there, and not wait so long to do so like I did here. I'm excited to go!

That's it for now. Thanks for reading, and have an awesome day!

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