Friday, March 28, 2008

Gold Boxes!

Today, the wonderful Gold Boxes from Nikon arrived and just in time for wedding season! I'm so excited to use my new D300! As you can see from the photo, these things literally "walk on water" so to speak! (Okay, so I'm going a little too far with the biblical analogy, and please, I am NOT intentionally disrespecting Catholicism by using that phrase, so if I have offended anyone, please forgive me). I just love this new camera!!! Plus, I can't wait to use it on all the couples I'll be shooting this season - woo hoo!!!

Now for those of you who are not photographers, remember, cameras are just tools. They won't take pretty pictures for you, YOU have to MAKE those "pretty" pictures yourself (almost like the "guns don't kill people, people kill people" analogy. Gosh, I think I may be getting myself into hot water here again! Remember, I'm just quoting, and NOT make any political or religious belief statements!)

But if you are fortunate enough to have nice "tools" definitely use them. They make life easier and give you more options.

I'm stoked! Now all I have to do is go out and SHOOT!!!

More later as I put this piece of art through its paces this weekend!


1 comment:

Leon Li said...

Dude, you really have been checking up on me! No slacking off here though.

D300...nice. Go out and show us how it's done!