Monday, March 24, 2008

"I'm Too Sexy For This Shirt..."

Yes, how many of you remember the song for which this blog post is named after? "I'm too sexy!"? I think it was Right Said Fred who sang it, and it became THE theme song for most runway models during the 90's. Heck, it still haunts me when ever I put on a loud shirt and strut back and forth from my full length mirror. (Okay, everything about that last sentence is true except for the loud shirt part- I gave those away back in the mid 90's after Structure closed).

The reason why I bring it up is because yesterday, during my buddy David's annual adult Easter egg hunt and party, my good friends Aaron and Jully just so happened to win these shirts. They liked them so much that they essentially wore them for the rest of the day and night. So I figured, why not use them as models and shoot them in their hard earned prizes.

The first shot above is both of them giving me their best super model poses. Note Aaron's "Zoolander-esqe door lean with glasses in mouth technique". Superb. Absolutely superb. Not to mention Jully's "suck in the cheeks to get that lithe anorexic model look" pose. Splendid, I say, splendid!

This shot is the perennial, "please look at me you sexy beast" pose. Definitely Jully's idea.

Finally, here's a shot I massaged in photoshop that makes it look like it came straight from a magazine. I kinda like it.

"I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking."

In all seriousness, it was nice to hang out with my friends again after a pretty rough couple of weeks. We laughed and played, and laughed some more, and it was worth going out for. I'm glad I have such great friends in my life to get me through the hard times, even if they know it or not.

Hope everyone had a great Easter. Have a great day and check back soon for more photos from my life!


eliesa said...

They are WAY to sexy for those shirts!


eliesa said...

They are WAY to sexy for those shirts!
