Tuesday, March 18, 2008

An Abstract

In keeping up with my "picture a day" photo project, today's photo comes from my voice teacher's house (yes, I take voice lessons to better my photographic eye! LOL!). Seriously though, I saw this scene before me and I was taking your regular, run of the mill shots until I accidentally did this with my focusing. Taking a mistake and running with it, I created this abstract shot. Can you guess what it is?

(This is your opportunity all you blog stalkers to FINALLY leave a comment for me to read! Just so I know that somewhere in cyber space, someone is actually reading these entries. And even if no one is reading this, and the proverbial tree falls in the wood and NOBODY hears it (or is it chicken before the egg? who knows), that's okay. I'm writing to fill up cyber space and unintentionally clogging up the internet. Oh well. At least in 100 years, maybe somebody will stumble upon this blog and actually read it. Okay, my venting is done) Now go and guess what this image is!

Lastly, my new logo came in the "mail" last week and I've added it to the bottom right of the photo - SCHE-WEET! Let me know what you think of it. I'll be adding it to my blog header soon!

Have a great day everyone :)


Josh said...

It looks like some sunglasses on a mirror.

Michael, it was nice meeting you this past week, and keep posting, I'll be following along.

take it easy!

Michael C. Palma said...

Josh! Thank you so much for commenting. Quite honestly, I thought that this image may be too easy to figure out (especially for eagle eyed photogs like yourself!).

I too have bookmarked your site and blog and am truly a fan of your work. A pleasure also meeting you last week, and do keep up the great work!

All the best to a fellow Nikon shooter (we definitely were the minority in Vegas weren't we?!),

Mike Palma