Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Night Out at the Miyako

Yes, as the subject heading reads, the improv group I belong to (Cold Tofu; did you guys VOTE yet?) had a show tonight at the Maryknoll Catholic Center in Little Tokyo. It's part of our monthly improv shows we do there each year. After a great show by everyone, we all headed over to the Miyako hotel to go to their terrific little karaoke lounge and sing the night away! Literally till it closed! A great time time was had by everyone.

And for those of you reading this that were there,
great times!!! Here are a few photos from the vocal debauchery:

Wanru as Jack Sparrow - it is close to Halloween ;p

Steve and Helen singing some tunes

Rob and his freak spank posse!

Helen and me singing a duet
(Yes, I can SING! Just ask my mom!)

So all in all, it was a great time. It's always fun hanging out with creative and uninhibited people/friends. Too bad I wasn't able to video tape some of the goings-on. Had I done so, this blog would've gone from rated "G" to "R" just like that! Then again, that's what made for a good night.

Till next time (which will be soon), enjoy and be safe, and do leave a comment if you have anything to say, particularly if you are in these photos!

"Drink up me harties yo ho!"
(Come on, who doesn't want to be Jack Sparrow?!)


contrarymary said...

great photos Mike. That Wanru is so darn photogenic...even when playing a scalywag. WHen I woke up this morning I just thought...Oh no!(not Ono) Mike had his camera. Thanks for keeping them G rated..

Unknown said...

hahaha... yes, Mike has used much needed discretion. Thanks for the pics Mike. let's go again tonight!