Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Michelle and Rene got married!

Okay, it's been too long since my last post, and quite frankly, I'm tired of the previous post, and of that ridiculous photo of me. (Well, just a little). So much has happened since that last entry!

First off, I shot my first wedding of the year for Michelle and Rene. It was gorgeous (and hot!) day out in Palos Verdes at the Wayfarers Chapel. The day started early for all of us (4:00am for me) and went by rather quick! Here's one of my favorite photos of the early morning "getting ready" shots:

The lovely Michelle getting her make-up done

I love this one of Michelle's niece :)

Here's Rene (the Groom) and his best "man" Jake - note the cool black tie Jake has on!

Here's one of my favorites from the day :)

I'll post more soon! I've got tons to show you all!

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