Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New World


As you know, today is the day after the US Presidential elections, and thank God Barack Obama won! I'm not one for politics really, nor am I someone who would push my views upon others, but hey, the BEST candidate one, and we can all believe and hope again for a better future! Nuff said! Hopefully, you all had a chance to see the following photo firsthand yesterday, and if you didn't, don't complain if things don't work out the way you figured it should!

Okay, I know it has been a solid month since my last entry (which was one of my favorites BTW, for that one swelled with Filipino pride, as the above swells with USA pride.) Since then I've finished building up my new speed-weapon, the Cervelo P2C (she's a beaut!), attended a photo-workshop (images to come), and witnessed history! That's a pretty good number of things to have done! Oh, not to mention having dressed up as Billy Idol for my buddy's "Rock Band" Halloween party last week, rebel yell baby! I'm behind on all the posts, but I'll try to finish strong for the rest of the year.

Anyway, here's a photo of my new baby (in the most figurative sense possible!)

She's not for rent BTW. Looks fast though doesn't she?

Before I leave, just wanted to let everyone know to check out a few things happening this month.

Thursday, November 6, 2008 - Cold Tofu presents "Edamame Lounge" at the Japanese American National Museum's Democracy center in Little Tokyo (Please check for details)

Saturday, November 15, 2008 - Cold Tofu's monthly improv show at the Maryknoll Catholic Center (Please see website)

VOTE AGAIN for Cold Tofu for "Best comedy improv troop" in MYFox LA's on-line survey.

Lastly, the new show I'm in, "Holiday Fever" open November 28th at the Secret Rose theater in North Hollywood. Check out GoldStar events for more info!

That's it for now folks, and here's to a new president!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice bike! =)