For the past few weeks, I've been trying to blog about the stuff that's been happening in my life. And boy have things happened. To name a few, I was able to meet the VP of casting at NBC, I did a "photowalk" of Chinatown to test out a new lens, I did some voice-over work for a local Japanese Confectionary, AND I almost lost my dog of 15 years! Needless to say, it has been one heck of a roller-coaster of emotions the past few weeks, and I think things are finally settling down. Whew.
I originally had a post up the other day about my dog "Cutie", about how we almost lost her, but the good news is, she is coming to live with Helen and I, and live out the rest of her days pampered and spoiled as all great family members should :) I'll post up some photos of her when the time comes.
Today is Saturday, and I'm spending it at home. A nice quiet evening just "being". We should all have more days like this.
Oh, and I was able to meet again with Saki and Taka to take a look at their wedding site. It is going to be awesome! They're having it at Taka's parent's home and I think it is going to be a terrific day. Those two are a great couple!
So without saying anything else, here's a photo I took yesterday. Aren't sunsets nice?
Till my next blog entry :) Have a great day and stay up :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Twists and Turns
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Too Much Fun!!!
Once again, for the second straight weekend, my life has been turned up-side-down with too much fun! Of course, the term "fun" is relative, but for me, this past weekend was definitely filled with it!
First off, because it was Super Bowl weekend, our pals from up north and Texas came into town to spend the weekend over at David's, which, I knew from past events, would be spent playing video games, and eating obnoxious amounts of great food. Friday night started off with a trip to a local wine bar, where my good friend Mike R. gave me a lesson on wine tasting. (As most of you may not know, I don't drink alcohol, so this was HUGE for me) Oh, and I have now learned that I like dry, red wines. Who knew?! That lasted till about midnight, and afterwards, it was off to Casa d' Ono for the video game debauchery that was to consume my life for the weekend!
We all had a Madden '08 football tournament scheduled for the weekend, so friday's games consisted of "practicing" against one another using our "favorite" teams. I say "favorite" cause I really don't have one, but I used the San Diego Chargers cause they were rated at 98/100 and that's pretty darn good! After a few hours of that, we played Halo, and then, low and behold, ROCK BAND!!! Awesome game! Here's a photo of the "all girl band" which starred Tamlyn, Rhoda, and Jennie - Rock on ladies!!!
They're all wishing they can play as well as the ladies!
Here's our high tech tourney board. Not only did we have a winner's bracket, but a loser's one as well.
The ultimate winner Cee Jay (in brown) won a nice bottle of whiskey from our "Commisioner" Vic.
And of course, our Loser's bracket winner Kevin, with his "Prize" - he had to wear it all day and all night during the super bowl!!! And yes, that IS a women's flourescent PINK shirt!!!
He was a good sport about it nonetheless.
I'm such a Dallas hater!!!
Oh, and all these guys (minus Kevin) are all from Texas, hence the shirts.
No, this isn't a new Lucho Libre wrestling character, it's our good buddy Paul who lost a Dallas Cowboys bet for the second straight year to Tamlyn (on the right). This year, his punishment was to adorn some nipple pasties, and a blue thong (which he put over his face instead). I know you can't see it, but the score of Dallas' last game was also written into the thong, just to rub it in. Aw well, some guys never learn.
There are definitely other photos from the weekend, but I think I may have caused some enemies with this entry, so I'll stop here!
Lastly, and most importantly, it was my beautiful grandmother's 91st birthday party this past Saturday, and we celebrated it at the Golden Dragon Restaurant in Chinatown. Here's to Grandma!